Turn hot glass into cool stuff!
3333 Lake Shore Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14219
If you have been ill, have fever, cough, shortness of breath, or at least two of the following symptoms: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell, have been in contact with a person showing signs of COVID19 or traveled outside the US within the past 14 days, do not come to the studio.
In consideration of everyone’s safety, a limited number of renters and students will be allowed in the building at a time. One parent or guardian may accompany minors and must abide by all of the safety requirements outlined in this document.
at your discretion, you may bring your own cloth-based face covering or disposable mask that covers both your mouth and nose to wear when you may come within 6’ of another person.
For safety reasons, please do not wear a mask while working at your torch, unless discussed with the instructor.
I will be providing disinfecting cloths for the purposes noted throughout the document.
Reopening Guidelines for Expressive Glass
For the safety of us all . . .
Failure to follow the guidelines outlined in this multipart document will result in you being asked to leave and may result in you not being welcomed in the future.
You will be required to sign a copy of the document before participating in any activities at the studio.