Turn hot glass into cool stuff!
3333 Lake Shore Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14219
Reopening Guidelines for Expressive Glass
At the end of your session, you are responsible for disinfecting anything you may have touched in your area, including your chair, tools, handles on the kiln, handles on the tool drawers, your bin and any else’s bin you may have touched. Disinfecting cloths will be provided on a table in the studio. DO NOT use disinfecting spray or cloths on goggles.
I encourage you to purchase your own goggles. If you are interested in doing that, please talk to me about what you’ll need and some suggested vendors.
If you use goggles supplied by the studio, you are to wash them thoroughly with warm water and Dawn disinfecting liquid soap at the end of each session. Please leave them to dry on the fabric pad in the 1st bathroom.
Purchasing Studio Time and Rods
For the safety of us all . . .
Failure to follow the guidelines outlined in this multipart document will result in you being asked to leave and may result in you not being welcomed in the future.