Turn hot glass into cool stuff!
3333 Lake Shore Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14219
Select and pay for the service you want, and we'll email your certificate to you (PDF).
If you prefer, we can snail mail it, or you can contact us to pick it up from the studio.
Following are some suggested services and amounts.
Contact us if you prefer an option that isn't listed.
1 seat in a soda lime glass flameworking class for novices/beginners.
Approximately 1.5 hours, includes instruction, all glass, and use of equipment and overnight kiln time to remove thermal stress that builds up in the glass. (Excludes shipping, if needed.)
2 seats in a private soda lime glass flameworking class for novices/beginners
Approximately 2 hours, includes instruction, all glass, and use of equipment and overnight kiln time to remove thermal stress that builds up in the glass. (Excludes shipping, if needed.)
1-hour private coaching soda lime glass flameworking for novices and intermediates
Includes instruction, use of equipment, and overnight kiln time to remove thermal stress that builds up in the glass. (Excludes shipping, if needed.)
Discount rental package, for experienced/self-sufficient renters using soda lime glass
11 hours scheduled by appointment, including use of all equipment and kiln time
Discount soda lime rod package
(You pay $18.40 + tax for $20 in glass)