Turn hot glass into cool stuff!
3333 Lake Shore Rd.
Buffalo, NY 14219
Provide your contact information:
You must pay a $150 deposit to reserve your seat.
To maintain Early Bird pricing, full payment must be received by February 28, 2016.
You will be notified by e-mail or phone when your space is confirmed. Your space is not guaranteed until class fees are paid in full. Please refer to our class details page for cancellation provisions and other important information.
Sharon Peters
"Goblins, Aliens and Compound Creatures"
Intermediate/advanced Class
April 30 - May 1, 2016
Click the "submit" button
Then continue with Step 3 to make a payment
Class fees include all materials and equipment
*We reserve the right to discontinue the early bird discount at any time without notice.
Early bird* Special
($480 on or after February 28 )
Click button below to pay Deposit
Click button below to pay
Class Balance
Have a hankering to make Things That Go Bump in the Night?
Learn from the incomparable Sharon Peters, an internationally renowned sculptural glass bead maker known for her great sense of humor as well as for her very humorous glass bead designs.
We’ll cover a lot:
- Making simple eye canes, facial features, and Goblin and Alien Heads
- Extending your design into mixed media with inset steel spikes
- Adding components (hands, shoes, decorative blingy bits) to your design.
- Getting funky with the techniques and creating your own multi-part compound creature, never before seen in the world!
We’ll stay a bit later the first night to end the day with a Bead Toss… too much fun!